
Stay-At-Home Yoga #5: Strength & Fitness

Stay-At-Home Yoga #5: Strength & Fitness

Podcast: 1 hr 12 min 04 sec

In this practice we amp things up a bit;,
be ready for a physically engaging yoga session!!

The Podcast / Practice

This unscripted, unedited yoga podcast guides you through a rigorous and challenging session that tests your strength, balance, and overall level of fitness. Let us know if you would like to see more podcasts like this….

Sequence: Here is the basic overall flow of the practice:

Seated breathing / supine / legs up -> knees to sternum / happy baby / hip opener / happy baby variation / roll to table / cat – cow / downdog / supported side plank / downdog variation & donkey kick / high lunge / half utkatasana / dekhasana (hand to foot) / half utkatasana / down dog / side plank / wide angle plank / wide angle dolphin plank / sphinx / makarasana / legs up / astaunga namaskar / upward dog / downdog / triangle series / high lunge / prayer twist / dancer / half moon / down dog / dolphin side plank / child / crow – toe balance etc / bound angle / wide angle fold / inclined plank / upward boat / supine march and rope climb / supported bridge pose / plank / down dog leg swings / warrior II  & reverse / bound side angle / lizard / tree series / uttanasana / pigeon / supine personal practice / shavasana


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