
Stay-At-Home Yoga #4: Bends, Balance, & Flow

Stay-At-Home Yoga #4: Bends, Balance, & Flow

Podcast: 1 hr 07 min 05 sec

Let’s get some bends going, brush up on our balance,
and engage in a wholesome flow that will refresh every cell of your body and mind.

The Podcast / Practice

This unscripted, unedited yoga podcast guides you through plenty of twists, turns, bends, and balance – along with an entire array of poses to keep you vibrant from head to toe. So practice away, and let us know how it goes…

Sequence: Here is the basic overall flow of the practice:

Seated breathing / seated twist / forward fold / side bend & back bend / forward fold / eye of needle / iron gate / half-circle / supported half-moon / balancing table / utthita dhanurasana / mini pyramid / low lunge & variations / down dog & plank / triangle / warrior II / high lunge / half-upward arm pose / down dog / neck stretches / talasana / uddyana mudra / chair pose / heel to toe balance / tree pose + hip opener balance / warrior III / uttanasana / downward dog (variations) / supine gentle / quad stretch / bound angle / supported bridge pose / ankle to thigh  / personal choices / shavasana


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    1. Glad the podcast practice worked for you – wonderful to know!!! – will look into why you had issues with Vimeo…

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