
Stay-At-Home Yoga #12: Wall Yoga, Hips, & Warrior

Stay-At-Home Yoga #12: Wall Yoga, Hips, & Warrior

Podcast: 45 min 55 sec

Measure up to the wall to start and then journey onto the mat,
a complementary practice…

The Podcast / Practice

This unscripted, unedited free-flowing podcast starts at the wall for some good openers and spine lengthening poses, and then we head to the mat for some deep hip stretches and a varied practice.

How About Sharing: These podcasts are freely accessible to all, and any comments and suggestions you care to share below are always warmly welcomed. Your thoughts and reviews are helpful for the other practitioners and the podcaster, and we always enjoy hearing from you – even if it is just a single word or emoji.

Wall Sequence: Wide angle / standing twist / shoulder opener / L -shape (variations) / cobra / half-utkatasana

Mat Sequence: Talasana / standing fold / downdog / lazy lizard / angle off / revolved twist / low lunge (bound angle) / lizard / wide angle child / downdog (knee to nose) / modified plank series / shalabasana / cobra / downdog / warrior I / extended side angle / warrior I / lateral balance / half upward arm pose / uddayana mudra / supine / bound angle / happy baby / bound bridge / utksepa mudra / shavasana

Music courtesy of: Anyutiny Glazki


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  1. Really enjoyed this one on this grey morning. The wall twists are wonderful…Two things I was glad of: the photos because I wasn’t sure I was getting the positions right, and that you repeated them once I did get them right!

    Also really like the middle sequence with the bound low lunge, and the warrior sequence going into the lateral balance…working on that part!

    Thanks, thanks, thanks! We need to be able to compensate you somehow for keeping us all afloat!

    1. Hi Annie,

      Yes, a couple new wall variations – glad the photo helped.

      After we did that bound low lunge live the other day I thought to sneak it into this podcast as well!!

      Thanks for your comments and support!!

  2. I agree completely with Annie. I also enjoyed this practice this morning. So glad to have these audio classes still available as the new live classes are only offered during work hours.

    1. Glad the podcasts work Audrey…we will be having more live classes at other times…in addition, we are in process of making videos available of all the live classes….

      So Stay Tuned!!!

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