
Stay-At-Home Yoga #11: Strength & Fitness II

Stay-At-Home Yoga #11: Strength & Fitness II

Podcast: 1hr 04 min 07 sec

An engaging practice that offers twists, turns, balance, and challenges….

The Podcast / Practice

This unscripted, unedited free-flowing podcast offers a wide array of moderately challenging poses and sequences that hone your balance, build strength, and support your overall well-being. Jump in!!

Sequence: Here is the basic overall flow of the practice:

Seated breathing / table / cat-dow / child / leg extensions / puppy dog / downward dog (warm-ups) / supported side plank / 3 pt downward dog (hover forward) / mini pyramid / revolved twist / angle off / standing wide angle fold / warrior II / warrior I / dancer warm-up / downward dog / pank / wide angle plank series / downward dog / triangle / high lunge / prayer twist / half utkatasana / half moon / plank -> dolphin plank / child / seated wide angle fold / inclined plank / upward boat / crow or garland pose / standing fold / tree -> lateral balance / dancer / swan dive / down dog / supine / personal practice / shavasana

Music courtesy of: Nu Meditation Music


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