
Stay-At-Home Yoga #10: Movement & Deep Relaxation

Stay-At-Home Yoga #10: Movement & Deep Relaxation

Podcast: 56 min 27 sec

A dynamic practice that incorporates all the essentials and closes with deep relaxation…

The Podcast / Practice

This unscripted, unedited free-flowing podcast incorporates all the fundamentals needed for a well-rounded practice (deep stretching, balance, and strength) and closes with a brief self-massage and relaxation segment.

Sequence: Here is the basic overall flow of the practice:

Standing posture / uttanasana (rag doll) / backbend / side bends / talasana / swan dive / half-utkatasana / knee to sternum / pyramid & triangle series / tree balance / forward fold / downward dog / child / balancing table / supported half-moon / mock warrior III / dolphin plank / half-frog pose / cobra / downward dog / seated twist (leg extension) / wide angle fold / supine / deep relaxation & shavasana

Music courtesy of: Yellow Brick Cinema


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    1. Well – I hope so Annie – there needs to be some quality control on these things lest this train run rampant.

      That said, I did employ a pop filter this time which should eliminate some of the sounds from aspirated consonants (think “p”) as well as whistling sounds…

      Let’s hope the practice itself is still worthy… 🙏

  1. LOL, Georgie will keep you on track!

    This was a nice, slow practice…perfect for me after a day working outside…

    Interesting…I haven’t noticed any speech issues, although I think I know what you mean…the theme song to a TV series we watched was sung by a woman with strong ‘silibant’ (?)tendencies – every S sounded like a snake hissing in your ear…
    However, you sound just like good, old Satyam to me🥰

    1. Exactly, it is those s’s with tongue at the top of the pallet, as well as aspirated sounds. There are programs on voice editing programs that eliminate that, but the pop filter helps…

      Glad you liked the practice…just trying to create a varied catalogue.

      My best to Georgie –

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