Spring: How Are You Expending Your Energy

Cherry Blossoms (Jennifer)
~ Spring Blossoms by Jennifer Petty ~

Today in class two of our very regular, and well-practiced yoginis – who shall remain nameless(!) – fell asleep in shavasana and did not rise for seated meditation at the end of class – or at least it took them a bit more time to sit up.

This happened because both were deeply involved in gardening the day before – working outside for hours in the sun, digging, carrying, planting etc. It is only natural that the next morning they might be a bit more tired than usual. So they were excused for napping at the end of their practice :- )

How are you spending your time this spring – what projects are you involved in? How are you expending your energy?

Tis the season of renewal and rebirth, what great works are you feeling energized to bring to the fore this season??

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