Spring Herbal Workshop ~ Recap

20120429_141930Today we had the wonderful opportunity to host our Spring Herbal Workshop led by our resident herbalist, Sharon Brewer.

At first Sharon talked about the seasons and how spring is the time when our bodies awaken, just as the earth livens up in spring. She then transitioned into springtime plants that can help bring balance and energy: Nettle, chickweed, violet, dandelion, red clover, and burrock root. Sharon emphasized how we can find these in the wild – in our own backyards. This is known as wildcrafting. She brought in samples of each plant to see.

Next we got to try these plants – tasting. Sharon first passed around a sample tea which she had made and then shared a great salad which she made exclusively by wildcrafting – save for a touch of her home-grown lettuce.


Sharon also introduced us to tinctures, tonics, and infusions. And much, much more.

Everyone left with a salve to combat “gardner’s hands”, and other skin issues.

Plus Sharon brought in so many different plants – some of which are shown above – and everyone got to depart with 2, 3, 4, or even more plants, like tomato plants, nettle, and a variety of other herbal plants.

20120429_161444Here – directly to the left – is that fateful moment just prior to selecting which plants we might want!

All in all it was a quality afternoon with lots of open discussion and the sharing of information.

Many thanks to all who came out and participated. Happy, happy wildcrafting and herbal gardening to all! May we all grow strong and wise and use the earth’s bounty in conscious ways to cultivate a deeper connection to ourselves, our community, the greater ecosystem and beyond….

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  1. What a great workshop! I’ve always been interested in herbs but a little overwhelmed by all the options and what to do with them, but Sharon broke it down to a few healthy herbs that I can easily prepare myself. My nettle infusion is brewing as I write. Jean

  2. Hi Satyam and Sharon,
    What a WONDERFUL workshop! I learned so much that I really want to incorporate
    into my lifestyle. Thank you so much for doing this!
    You have literally changed my life in a manor of speaking. I am trying to go vegan!!
    I look forward to another workshop like this one.
    BTW – I left before you passed out the hand balm 🙁 and I was wondering if maybe you could bring it to the Friday yoga session (if that’s not too much to ask?)
    Also- I was wondering how I can buy some more of Sharon’s teas, and tinctures. The one I bouight is wonderful! Is there a shop somewhere where I can buy her products?
    Thanks so much again for doing the amzing things that you do!
    All my best,

  3. Satyam and Sharon:
    Excellent workshop! Thank you.
    I ate my two dandelion leaves first thing this morning and am brewing my nettle infusion now.
    I wish I had bought a tin of the dandelion and burdock root. Could I get your phone number or email Sharon?

  4. Thanks you Satyam for hosting the workshop and to you Sharon for an excellent presentation and for the wonderful plants and balm.

  5. Amber and I enjoyed the herbal workshop so much that we went right out and brought more herbs to plant. Thank you to Satyam and Sharon for the great day of learning : )

  6. Thanks to everyone for coming out and making the workshop such a great experience for me too! I’m so glad to hear that many of you are incorporating some of the ideas we talked about. I look forward to seeing many of you in class soon.
    Enjoy the rest of this wonderful springtime!

    Candace, I will be happy to bring the gardener’s salve with me to class on Friday and can talk to you about purchasing some teas and other herbal products as well!
    See you soon.

  7. Wow – how wonderful to hear and read everyone’s reflections. You all went right to work!! You did not waste any time. You put your new knowledge into action immediately! Well done!

    So glad you had a positive experience at the workshop – I too felt Sharon rolled out a great seminar.

    I think by now everyone’s requests and queries have been addressed, either publicly or privately. If not let me know.

    Thanks again for coming out – Look forward to seeing you soon!


  8. Satyam and Sharon,

    Thank you for this workshop. I am in my garden today working on all the great tips that you gave us. Can’t wait for my violet leave to dry for tea.

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