Sound Investment for 2012 & Beyond

Happy New YearWay back as freshmen in college, after our evening workout and run, my friend said, “You know, beforehand you may not feel like working out and running, but afterwards you are never sorry you did it.”

His advice was well-taken, although I probably should have done a bit more of this in college.

Here the point is that a commitment to one’s well-being is perhaps the most sound investment a person can make. All too often though, in this grossly materialistic era, investment strictly refers to money.

Yet now more than ever when the economy is so murky – and good financial investments are hard to find ( if one has the money to invest in the first place!) – then this is as good a time as any to reconsider what we mean by investment.

Money after all is but a human invention / convention that has no natural value or universal meaning in and of itself. It is a medium for the exchange of goods & services – nothing more & nothing less.

As human beings, as aspirants, as travelers on the path, when we invest we should seek out ideals that are lasting across time and space. Two immediate ones which come to mind are happiness and peace.

What is it then that makes us happy? Here we are not talking about a temporary or fleeting high, but that more lasting feeling of joy or bliss (a’nandam). What brings real joy in life? And what provides us with a sense of inner peace and contentment?

When we discover avenues that lead us in this direction, is this then not the investment we should make? Should we not focus our energies, time and commitments in this direction.

As we collectively march into this New Year, let’s take time to consider what really makes us happy, as well as how we can make joy a more stable presence in our lives.

Feel free to share your thoughts and reflections – what will be the cornerstones of your journey into 2012 & beyond?

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