
Snow Photos: Feb 2021

Snow Photos: Feb 2021

Ok…the snow is on…send us your photos….and a description (if you wish)….

#12: YOUR photo could be here:


#11: Candy writes: 

It’s been snowing in Suffolk too! And yes, we are still living under lockdown #3. Later in February we are supposed to get an idea of how much longer the “stay home except for necessary trips” order will last.
I am snug and dry aboard my handsome Endeavor!

#10: Kimbra writes: 

This is my first walking meditation “cultivator.” Making it felt so beautiful…

#9: Mary H’s Photos: 

#8: Susan’s Photo:

#7: Anita’s Photo:

#6: Stacy’s Photo:

#5: Susanne’s Photo:

#4: Mary H writes us:

Our winter wonderland

#3: Edmee’s Photos:

#2: Stacy’s Photos:

#1: Gretchen’s Photos

Note: Gretchen sent these a few weeks back when only Vermonters were seeing snow, and I was remiss in posting them. No doubt, now she has much more snow….


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