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Singing Bowls with Vocals by Angie

Singing bowls with vocals by Angie Hunter

Time: 18 min 18 sec

While we have been using singing bowls and chimes in relaxation and meditation sessions, this is our initial “go” with a vocal accompaniment. I approached Angie about this as I had heard about her singing abilities and solo endeavors. And she was all for it.

The below podcast was recorded in her living room last Tuesday (Oct 8) after the morning yoga class. Without any prior experience with this, we simply placed down my hand-held Olympus recorder and began. This was the one and only file we made that day. This comes to you “raw” – without any sound engineering or digital enhancements, just pure human technique and heart.

Angie and I also see this as a starting point for future projects including recording yogic chants.

This particular track has a few different sections and while I considered breaking it up, ultimately I felt keeping it whole would be the best representation. Besides, this way I figure if you like it then you can listen to more than 4 minutes at a time.

It is our hope that this is something that brightens, soothes, or calms your day in some way. Angie has summed it up as “esoteric.” Let us know your thoughts and reflections.


About Angie Hunter:

Angie resides in Churchton (MD) with her husband Charlie. She is a regular in our Tuesday morning yoga classes and a fixture (and soloist) in her church choir. She also performs in local musical productions. Happily retired, Angie takes time for other life engagements: She and Charlie maintain a wonderful back yard garden and travel to sunny destinations.

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