Sharańágati ~ Surrender

surrenderYoga of course is many things to many people. Generally, in the psycho-spiritual field, the yogis say the highest, and perhaps most challenging, practice is surrender. That ever-elusive moment of letting go of one’s I-feeling or petty ego.

Many yogis consider this to be the crowning glory of all yoga: The exchange of the minutia for the vast.

Surrender of course can happen on many levels. It can be taking a deep breath in a heated moment; it can be letting go of anger; it can be just simply relaxing; it can be detaching oneself from expectations or results; it can be feeling so overwhelmed with life or a given task that one literally feels like there is nothing more that I personally can do; it can be a moment in meditation where you literally lose yourself in a deeper state of consciousness.

Whatever your perception, our yoga practice helps us surrender. By gaining greater clarity of our own being, we can better identify and recognize feelings, emotions, and the workings of our inner world. And that is really where surrender starts.

While it is a life-long endeavor for most of us, we all gain glimpses of surrender along the way. Share with us (a) your favorite techniques for surrendering, (b) a time when you experienced surrender in your own life, or (c) what you hope to experience in the future (or is that against surrender theory!).

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One Comment

  1. Thanks so much for posting this! I am hoping to learn to surrender negative emotions such as anxiety, embarrassment, anger, frustration, impatience much faster…I think I will probably always experience them to some degree, but I want to be able to let them go…

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