Service Dog (Liam) in Yoga

Liam’s Yoga Journey Continues

Wonderful to have Liam in class today as part of his ongoing training and socialization. 

When I arrived on-site for class today, there was Liam romping around and chasing after his toys. He came early – before anyone else – to get adjusted to this new place – new for him. Because you see, Liam is an 8-month-old service dog in training. And he came to class today – his second time ever – to expand his social horizons. Indeed, Liam did a great job of meeting and greeting 20+ different people aged 3 to 80. And throughout Liam kept his cool and was as jovial and friendly as ever. Unfortunately, I did not take the opportunity to get photos of those “meet-and”greet” interactions, but I did get some “action shots” of Liam in class.

Liam’s job was to take in the scene and handle it in a mature and serene manner. And as you can see he is doing that here…


Next, Liam is dutifully and quietly observing class and watching what is going on. It should also be noted that Liam was stone silent the whole time. From beginning to end I did not hear him make even the slightest sound – let alone a bark. Just one time he created a little jingle-jangle by shaking out his coat – but heck, don’t we all need to do that once in a while!


The good news about all this is that it looks like Liam will be a regular(!) with us on Tuesday mornings from here forward. See you next time Liam.

For more about Tina and Liam:

Tina’s story about training a service dog and getting Liam click here.

Here is Liam at Community Yoga around three months ago…


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  1. What a treat to come in and see Liam! So glad you are joining our class. Thanks Tina for bringing him. BTW Liam, you have a great downward dog!

  2. What a great little guy! He seems to be doing an amazing job for a puppy. Never seen such a calm 8 month old! Well done Tina!

  3. This is super cool. Congrats to Liam and his handler. What a great service she is doing. Another will benefit from her time and effort. Following your inner voice is very fulfilling.

    (Sue B. via Facebook)

  4. Thank you everyone! He continues to amaze me. I was so appreciative of everyone for helping me out with teaching him how to greet people properly (in a seated position).. It is great for Liam to learn how to take commands from other people besides me. The little girls were great!
    Thank you Satyam for your support.

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