Seminar: The Year-End Yoga Gathering

The Year-End Yoga Gathering

Thursday, Dec 31, 8a – 10a
Galesville Memorial Hall

$30 by Dec 29 // $35 after Dec 29


This is a time to gather round and rejoice – yoga-style – for the New Year. This dynamic session will include (a) a gentle yoga & restorative practice to stretch, soothe, and renew, (b) meditation and yoga nidra sessions to contemplate, refine, and purify, (c) singing bowls to aid in the journey, and (d) structured time for sharing as a community of practitioners and life travelers.

The yogis say that life should not be a goalless voyage like a small boat adrift in the vast ocean, not knowing where the shore lies. Rather one should cultivate a clear vision towards the desideratum. To achieve this, we will take some time to look back and gaze forward – noting obstacles overcome, sighting challenges ahead, and developing a mind-map to reach the goal. This will all be done in a safe and open environment where everyone has the choice to keep their reflections to themselves or bring them forth to the community as a whole.

The majority of our time will be spent in actual practice to prepare and ready both body and mind for the coming transition. And when all our practices are complete we will culminate the morning with this opportunity to share with others on the path.

Yes, I would like to register now…

Here is a visual collage about the seminar

Eco-Yoga_26apr2009 (75)

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