Secrets for a Long Life

long lifeWe all want a long life – longevity, but not just that. We desire a high-quality of life as well.

Here are some yogic guidelines for a long, productive life:

1. Exercise regularly: Along with daily yoga postures, a fast-paced, 30 min walk in the open air each day, or a comparable form of exercise that is not taxing on the body is extremely beneficial. Walking is generally recommended as it is accessible to most people living in most areas of the world.

2. Eating as soon as one feels hungry: This is actually more difficult than it sounds as it also means not eating when one is not hungry. When true hunger comes then the digestive acid is released into the stomach, if food is not eaten at that time, the acid itself remains undigested and leads to acidity. On the other hand, if one eats when not hungry, when no digestive acid has been released into the stomach, then that food will not be assimilated properly by the body and leads to acidity, bloating, and a host of health problems.

3. Going to sleep as soon as one feels sleepy: We should be aware of our natural sleep cycle and not stress the body by staying awake when really the body needs sleep.

4. Regularity in contemplative practices; Daily meditation, reflection, contemplation, and deep relaxation contribute greatly to our mental well-being, which helps create a healthy physical body.

5. Fasting at intervals: Fasting, half-fasting, juice fasting, and water fasting all enable the bodily organs to rest and rejuvenate. Every engine, every machine, every process needs to experience a state of pause or rest. The same is the case with the human digestive system. In this case rest (not eating) brings renewal.

6. Washing and Bathing: In addition to a daily shower / bath, preferably with not very hot water, it is also recommended to wash the limbs, face, and nasal passages before each meal, meditation, and sleep.

7. Curd (yogurt) and raw foods: Each and every day it is advisable to eat a moderate amount of curd (ideally not processed) and / or raw foods. This practice combined with a vegetarian diet is itself a medicine or therapy for the body.

8. Getting out of bed at daybreak: Just as one should go to sleep at the proper time, it is important to rise a with the start of the day. This helps increase one’s vitality and tune one’s body to the natural cycle of life.

So those are some of the practices recommended by yogis for living a long, happy, and productive life.

Here are links to related aspects of this topic:

1. Here is a past discussion we had on “blue zones” and living a long life.

2. Discussion on Aging: This radio show aired this past week on NPR and discusses some of the scientific research related with aging.

3. This website on long life tips contains some very good information.

4. And indeed there is an abundant amount of good information out there. I often find that the best articles and blogs speak to very similar points and recommendations. Share some of the info that you come across.

Here’s to a long and joyous life!!!

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