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Scenes From Fasting Challenge

It has been a joy hearing all your tales and engagements with the Fasting Challenge. Some fasting old-timers like Annie shared how they were easily able to get back in the saddle, and others like Merinda had spirited tales to tell – and then some.

Another aspect that has been quite wonderful to witness is the community-building that has taken place. Some of you joined forces and began doing fasting threesomes! There were at least a few threesomes. And many more are independently discovering how fasting comes in all shapes and sizes.

Here are a few more of your voices, experiences, & images.

[A] First we hear from Mary H: “I just wanted to let you know that Coit and I completed our first fast! It really wasn’t bad going without food. It made me realize how much I think about food!  The only issue that I had was being really tired around 4:00p.  We did things but not too much.  The breaking fast went well….very well. It was a great experience and I think we are up for it once a month! Thanks for the inspiration.”

[B] Next we have the menu of the 3-day detox that Tina, Debbie, & Liz did together.

3-day Tox

I know that they learned a lot in this process. And I am sure if you have any questions they will be glad to share their experiences. One of the neat things about it was that they were all in class together the morning they were coming off of their detox fast. It was a small Thursday morning class so we tailored the practice accordingly and did a “debriefing” as well!

[C] Here we have Annie’s report on her fasting experience (in case you did not see it earlier) : “Fasted yesterday…on a work day for the first time, and it was actually easier…REALLY didn’t even think of eating at all…and felt great this time because I made sure to drink lots of water…other times I’ve fasted I ended the day with headaches, but this time felt totally fine…so happy To have done this…feel as refreshed as the spring weather we’re having! Have a wonderful weekend all!”

[D] Finally, Sarah shares with us her world of juicing. She writes: “I wanted to send you a picture of my fruit and ginger smoothie that I made with your ground flax seed as an addition!  It tastes great, and I feel that it’s even healthier now that I added the ground flax seed.”

Sarah's Smoothie

And so many more have participated in all kinds of ways. Please do share your experiences below or write me with what your words & pics – look forward to hearing from you!!

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  1. This was a great learning experience for all of us. And, we all lost 4 pounds! That was a bonus!
    I will continue to make yummy fruit and veggie smoothies. Its a great way to get a lot of veggies down without eating them all raw. Thanks Debbie and Liz for going on this mini adventure with me!

    1. Tina, I agree! This cleanse was fascinating and informative. As Satyam said, it was fun all being together for yoga and debriefing on the morning of breaking our cleanse. And Satyam took it easy on us , which was nice! Thanks to you and Debbie for sharing the experience with me!

  2. Tina, this sounds great! I periodically try a fruit and veggie fast but this is so organized and easy to follow – really want to try it – next week? Will get the supplies in and do it! Thanks for sharing this!

  3. And Tina, do you have a special way to break this fast? Or do you just eat normally the next day? Thanks!

  4. Annie, that was one of the things we discussed at yoga. There is no information about breaking. I guess because it isn’t a fast. More like a cleanse. Gets your body balanced. Be careful tho, this is an expensive cleanse. I shopped at Wegmans (which is more expensive anyway), and it cost me $79.00! So, beware of that. We all liked the fact that it was all laid out in a simple way.
    Have fun!

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