Satyam Goes to a Talent Agency
Read about my whirlwind tour to an audition for a PSA / commercial…
On Friday (3/22), John forwarded me an email from a talent agency looking for someone for an upcoming commercial.
Yoga Instructor – Male or female, any ethnicity, 20s-50s. We are looking for a REAL yoga instructor.
Here is what I wrote back to John:
Thanks so much John!! My guess is that they’re looking for a better looking face than mine, but I appreciate the boost of confidence!!!
The weekend passed and I did not do anything towards applying. They wanted a series of photos as well as an overview of one’s background in yoga / teaching experience. I did not take one new photo over the weekend. However, the word “REAL” had stuck in my brain and I thought maybe I should try for it – if nothing else as a litmus test to see if they would be interested.
So on Monday morning (3/25), I scrambled through a bunch of photos that had been on my computer for months and years and submitted 8 in total – two of which were of me and Nitro(!), along with a brief bio / background in yoga. I also forwarded my application packet to John, with the following note:
Hi John – Kindly know that if I actually get this gig I am going to blame you : -) as I am already too busy and do not look good on camera!!!!!
The deadline for submissions was 3pm Monday, and I had emailed all my info at 9:02am. At 11:30am, I received a bulk email listing possible audition times for the following day, Tuesday (3/26). And I kept John abreast of the situation:
Well – they included me on the bulk email – so at the very least they have my email address!!
I informed them of my availability and by 12:13pm on Monday, after a few quick personal exchanges, I was confirmed for an audition the following day at 2:10pm in Falls Church, VA. The audition was to be 10 minutes in duration.
I taught my regular Monday evening and Tuesday morning classes and informed everyone of my upcoming audition. There were a variety of “oohs” and “aaahs”, along with some eternal guidelines like, “Trim your beard!” But mostly, I think the unspoken consensus was, “These people must be interested in making a really bbaaaddd commercial!”
At 12:45pm Tuesday, I hopped into my car, set the GPS (48min ETA), and drove off into the midday sun. I was routed to 395 and arrived on-site at about 1:38pm.
I grabbed my yoga mat and walked up the steps and looked for Unit C-2. Aha! Right by the top of the steps. I opened the door and the receptionist had me sign-in. At this point I should say that I was expecting to walk into a grand theatre with all sorts of people carrying yoga mats whereby we would watch each other’s auditions etc and get a feel for what was going on. Not even close! The place was a series of tiny rooms and cubby holes, with very narrow pathways that could hardly be called hallways.
I was directed into a room where there were three people already seated and waiting. The receptionist had also given me another form to fill out that requested all my body measurements. I gave them my height and weight, but had no idea about the rest, and the receptionist was fine with it. I went back into the room and sat, and then one other person came in and joined us. Now, there were five of us in the room, three young(er) ladies and one other guy. He was a spiffy looking gent in his mid-20s or so, if I had to guess. Two of the ladies seemed to recognize each other and I eavesdropped in on their conversation and thought they were talking about how they had both taught at the same yoga studio at some point. “Big competition”, I thought. I glanced the other way toward the gent. We were seated near each other and it was a tiny room so I kinda got his attention and asked where he was from, and he replied “Silver Spring.”
Then I made my grand inquiry, “Are you an actor?” And he smiled and said, “Well, I would like to consider myself as one.” Then immediately their words flashed in my mind: “We are looking for a REAL yoga instructor.”
So I thought, “How bogus! Let me follow-up a bit more.” So I said to him, “Do you practice yoga.” And he perked up immediately and said, “No, but it is something I would like to try.” BAM – they are nailed! And I told him how they are looking for a “REAL yoga instructor”, and he replied in a friendly voice, “I am pretty sure that you and I are here for different roles.” I looked around the room and noticed that I was the only one with a yoga mat. It was about 1:50pm.
Then a staff member came in and announced, “You two are playing a married couple.” And she pointed to the gent I had been talking with and one of the women. Within seconds, the two of them huddled up to prepare. And the staff member said, “And the two of you will be playing best friends.” She was pointing to the other two women in the room, and immediately they began to chat away to get ready for when they’d be called. Then the staff person looked my way and said, “Come with me.” I was relieved that I had not been assigned any role to play.
I was led a few feet down a tiny hallway and into a small room where there were two young ladies – one behind a video camera and the other on a computer. They were seated side-by-side. They told me to go stand by the pink tape. I asked if I should look like I was about to teach a yoga class and they replied in the affirmative. So I took off my crocs and socks, wind pants, and fleece jacket and vest. Now I was in my Tasc Perfomance plain black short-sleeve top and my Manduka grey bottoms. I brought my mat over to the pink tape and stood there awaiting further directions.
They said, “On cue, stand facing the camera, then turn your body to the right and then face to the left.” I did so. Then I was instructed, “On cue, look into the camera and state your name.” When prompted, I brought my hands together at the trikuti point and then down to the heart and said “Namaskar” – followed by my name. Done. Then they said, “On cue, look into the camera tell us about your yoga background and teaching experience.” When prompted, I gave a short spiel that really did not come out very well, and within 25 – 35 seconds or so I was done.
Next they said, “Now we are going to ask you to do one or two yoga poses of your choice.” I inquired whether I should simply demo the poses or act as if I was leading a class. They said that was a good question and asked me what was the difference between the two as they had never been to a yoga class. I told them I would just do the pose and explain it along the way. I chose triangle pose. I got in my stance, looked at the camera, gave the Sanskrit name and etymological meaning, and proceeded to do the pose just as I have done thousands of times in class with all of you. And then I came out of the pose and was thinking what my second posture should be. But they said there was no need for a second pose as I had presented that one in a comprehensive manner and that would suffice. I must have looked a bit bewildered, and they explained how a number of folks had come in and simply done the pose in a matter of seconds, but that was not enough camera time so they were asked to do another pose. Satisfied by their response, I thanked them and asked them if many had been through and if they had any idea when a decision would be made. They said soon – as the shoot would be next week. And that was it – it certainly did not last even half of the allotted 10-minute audition time.
I went out to my car, drove off, and was directed by my GPS to return via 495, (52min ETA). On the way back I was thinking how I could have given a much more interesting bio on camera, but I was satisfied with my yoga pose, even though I had done it “cold” – fresh out of the car. But the main thought I had was that, “I am not an actor, but a yoga practitioner.” I pulled into my driveway at precisely 2:45pm. Amazing! All the way to northern Virginia and back – including an audition – and the entire enterprise took just two hours.
Who knows if I will get the part – my guess is probably not. And that’s ok; it was a good learning experience, and at least I got a solid blog post out of the deal…
Three cheers for trying. That makes you a star in our book! Break a leg!
Thanks John!!
I remain ever-grateful to you for the opportunity and belief in me!!
They would be crazy not to pick you!
Thanks Krissy!!
Satyam, You are the BEST. If they want real then they pick you. Break a leg my old friend.
Thanks so much Sandi!
I know you always got my back!!
Question: Did you say, “Right hand” when you were using your left hand? That would delineate a “REAL” yoga teacher from a “REEL” yoga teacher. Should have had Nitro and a slice of your crazy range of students as back up. They would have been REELY impressed at the challenges of a REAL yoga teacher.
Hi Mary,
I discussed the point of mirror-imaging with them – as that was what I was hinting at when I told them to do want me to treat this as if I am teaching a class etc. Ultimately, I opted not to use mirror imaging as perhaps they would think I did not know my right from my left!!
Next time I will gladly bring Nitro and the gang!! Thanks Mary!!
I am going to get your autograph tonight just in case…
We shall exchange autographs tonight Annie – and they can be preserved in the Renaissance Yoga Hall of Fame!!!
Well they couldn’t get any more “REAL” than you. I’m a former student (relocated) and I always credit you for an instilling in me a love of yoga, Always enjoy reading your blogs!
I remember you well Geri, and just on Monday evening Jane P was mentioning you as we were discussing when I first started teaching at NECC.
Great hearing from you Geri – and thanks for the kind thoughts and words!!
What a fun adventure! If they want authentic then you are definitely the one.
Thanks Susanne!! Miss practicing with you and the team at BMHS –
Your Talent Show blog was very entertaining and I hope you get the part. I know you would do an excellent job as an original yoga instructor.
See you tonight,
Thanks for the read and kind words…..
See you this evening!
Bravo for making the effort! Always a learning experience when we go outside our box. You’re our fearless leader and wonderful hearing about your adventure. We’re all behind you. You are very REAL to us!
Many thanks Tina for the support!! Your energy and words are well appreciated!!
Thank you Satyam. You are a great yoga teacher and you are real. See you on Friday.
(Via Facebook)
Thank you kindly Roberto!!!
Sweet blogpost. I laughed. Good recount. Love the comments! And “whatever” if you get or not get the part! Funny world!
Thanks for the right attitude…
I just love that you went to that audition!!!! I’m hoping they know a real yoga teacher when they see one!!
I loved reading about your adventure. The drive to Fallls Church could have been challenging enough! You are real in every way – as a yoga teacher and person. If you don’t get the part – the talent company should rethink their line of business. It takes a lot to ‘put yourself out there’ so kudos to you in every respect.
Hi Angie,
Many thanks for your warmth and support – and cutting edge take on the Talent Agency!! I always know the local renyoga community will support me – and that helps propel me into new endeavors. So thank you….
I wholeheartedly agree to what everyone has posted, especially what Angie Hunter said.
Hey Karen – thanks for your heartfelt support….
Fantastic! What a great new experience to have. I bet they realized you are the real thing
You have always encouraged me into new endeavors – let’s see how this one develops….thank you!!
They would be so fortunate to have you in their commercial! You will always be our shining star and of course as “real” as it gets!!
Thanks Katy – my dear friend (& dentist!) – should this opportunity come to bear fruit, I will know all along it was due to the sparkle and shine of my teeth – thank YOU!!!
Thoroughly enjoyed reading about your “Hollywood Adventures!”
They’d be lucky to have you!
Just to get an audition is awesome! You are a REAL yoga teacher:)
Much gratitude for your kindness, Reb ~
Satyam – your authenticity of true kindness of spirit and depth of Yoga knowledge have given us all a staring role in a journey to embrace a deeper meaning in this physical plane. Indeed that was so cool for you to have done. Who knows, you may have blown them away ! Namaskar.
Thanks for the kind words my friend – and wonderful speaking after class this evening – appreciate your interest in meditation and spiritual life…
– pilateslover___yogaoutlet says: “Cool Renaissance”
– jenniferpettycreates says: “That’s so fun!!!”
– zorina2863 says, “This is great Renaissance”
– 1treeyoga says, “

– catrina.lankford says, “What a hoot! Loved the post!”
– archaeosteph says, “I’ll bet you nailed it!”
You are OUR star for sure!
Fun experience, why not?!!!
Hey Linda,
Great hearing from you – you’ve been missed of late – as requested we’ve still got a space saved for you on Saturday mornings!!
Good luck! Were you relieved to find out you weren’t competing with the actors? Hope when they said real, they meant it. That will certainly bode well for you.
hi Sandy,
I do not know if I was relieved about not having to compete with actors, but I was satisfied that they were not cheating the process – so far as I could see. But when I spoke with the person doing the video, she again stressed how their client (Inovo Health) really wanted a tried and true yoga teacher, but my guess is that they also wanted that teacher to have the looks of an actor!! let’s see…we will all have to watch for the commercial when it comes out and see who they get / got!!!
What a fun adventure!!! I love it! Can’t wait to hear the rest, but it sounds like the journey is as much fun as the destination :). Miss you!
Hi Sarah,
Great hearing from you – too bad we could not connect the last time you were up – but we will next time. Trust that the family is well!!
I will be sure to blog any further news on this talent agency topic, but it is now Thursday and methinks that the final chapter has already been written :- )
Wonderful hearing from you!!
That was really fun to read Satyam! Thanks for being so descriptive! I hope you’re the one picked, if only because I will enjoy hearing what making a commercial is like too! But even if you don’t get it, you’re right, it’s an interesting and fun experience!
Thanks for taking time out from your day to read the post….and believe me, if I get selected I will make a play-by-play of how the commercial was made….
Satyam, You will always be famous to me!!! I think of you often (with love) because you introduced me to Yoga with love;) Blessings on all your endeavors and if I ever live in South County again, you will see me back in my Yoga Man’s classes!!!
Thank you Amy for your kind, kind thoughts and remembrances. I remember well your undying support and participation those days when you lived locally. My very best to you and the entire extended family
So, I had read this post, and commented on it. Since nothing has been added, I assume you didn’t hear back from them. I guess we’ll have to wait and see who they chose, but how will we know when the commercial comes out?
Oh right….
I had two things actually:
(a) A general one line email thanking me / us for coming out.
(b) A ticket from the state for accidentally entering onto the express segment of the Beltway without an E-Z pass etc, which I promptly paid….
So it has all come full circle!
Nice blog!! Thanks for sharing.