Sandbags Galore for Restore

Sandbags Galore for Restore

On Saturday we broke out the sandbags to find deeper, more grounded ways of holding a posture…

Was enjoying the early dawn’s glow on my way into “the office” on Saturday and looking forward to a full morning of yoga…


In our new class – Relax & Restore (Saturdays at 9:45am) – which is now entering its second month, we’ve been exploring various ways to deepen muscle release and achieve mental ease. Along the way, we employ different props such as blocks, bolsters, neck pillows, straps, and the like. And this week we introduced the all-important sandbag.

That was our theme on Saturday – using a sandbag in our practice. So we experimented with them in child’s pose, standing wide-angle forward fold (shown below), supine bound angle, makarasana (crocodile pose) and a variety of other postures. Of course I wish now that I had shot photos of all those poses, as I only thought to capture the wide-angle forward fold. And while the sandbag itself may seem fairly inert, these 5lb and 10lb weights bring a distinct dynamic to the pose. One can feel much more rooted and settled in the pose – even more relaxed.

So the sandbag journey is on – come on in and experience it yourself in our Saturday morning Relax & Restore class at 9:45am – see you there!!


Here is an earlier post on our Relax & Restore class…


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