
Ripe Bananas: Simple, Easy, & Delicious

Ripe Bananas: Simple, Easy, & Delicious

Here is an great way to enjoy those bananas that have become very ripe….

We all know how in the heat of summer bananas can ripen more quickly than we’d like, or perhaps we just did not get an opportunity to eat our bananas in a timely way – for whatever reason. Well, here is a very tasty and easy way to enjoy those bananas.

Now, banana eaters may hold a diverse range of opinions of what constitutes a ripe banana. Some folks like bananas in their fruity phase before any brown spots appear, while others will may not like to touch a banana until it enters that sweet phase as the brown spots initially show up. But regardless, of your definition, when your bunch of bananas does get very ripe or even overripe, follow these simple steps.

#1: Grab your bunch of ripe bananas….

#2: Peel them, and place them in a ziplock back or some type of container.

#3: Then place them in the freezer.

So far, that took about 1 minute and that is all you have to do.

#4: Your bananas may remain in your freezer for as long as you like – even weeks. It is totally up to you. And I am sure many of you have froze bananas in the past. Maybe you had a frozen banana & peanut butter pie, or blended frozen bananas with other ingredients for a cool smoothie, or used frozen bananas in any number of ways. But my guess is you have never done this.

#5: Take your frozen bananas out of the freezer and just let them thaw / melt. Depending on your climatic conditions, this may mean taking them out of the freezer the night before or perhaps taking them out in the daytime and placing them in a container with a lid in the hot sun (my favorite). How and when you choose to thaw your bananas is entirely up to you. You just need to give them the opportunity to thaw / melt fully. Once they melt, they may look a touch more brownish, but have no fear. Basically, you will have your very soft bananas surrounded by some liquid which we shall call banana syrup (very sweet!!).

#6: Now we come to the final stage of enjoying your bananas:

  • One way to consume them is to (a) drink the syrup and (b) eat the bananas with a spoon.
  • Or you may blend the banana syrup and the bananas – without adding any extra water. This will give you a very highly concentrated smoothie / pudding type of mixture.

Again, there are lots of wonderful recipes that call for frozen bananas – hint: they make for a great mock ice-cream – but if you want something uber-simple and sweet, just let your frozen bananas thaw /melt fully and enjoy in one of the two aforementioned ways.


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  1. You can also make pancakes with soft bananas. Just add an egg and a scoop of protein powder (I use pumpkin seed). I also add shredded unsweetened coconut and cacao nibs. Delish.

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