RenYoga U: The Spiritual Science of Attachment (Part II)
Presenting our RenYoga University Class (#008):
Part I of this series was very well received and there was great interest to further explore this topic. All are welcome…
Special Note: This class will be much more discussion-based with less formal presentation so being present for the live sessions is key.
~ Registration Info Below ~
Course Description:
Note: This is part II of this series, but part I is not a requirement to register for part II. Those who participated in part I will be given promo codes to review those classes if they wish. Those who did not participate in part I may rent the replays from part I should they desire. In this course, we will take take an introspective journey, apply yogic principles, and free ourselves of psychic attachments that restrict our growth and fulfillment.
Humans are primarily mental beings, and we all want to experience a deep sense of happiness and peace. This is what we all seek, knowingly or unknowingly. Attachments are those things, i.e. bondages, that stand in our way of achieving that state of true peace.
Building upon our initial course on this topic, we explore the phenomenon of attachments: What are they, where they come from, and which ones do we have. However, here in part II, we will investigate this exclusively in the mental realm. That means we will take a clear and honest look at our own psychic proclivities (compassion, shyness, generosity, fear, jealously, courage, aversion etc), identify those which are holding us back, and gain techniques and insight for how we can overcome them. In this process, in the privacy of our own individual arena, we will identify key life transitions and even ordinary circumstances to better understand our own psyche, i.e. what makes us tick.
Here are some of the initiatives we shall pursue:
(a) complete an introspective questionnaire (with full privacy);
(b) examine recurring life themes and mental tendencies;
(c) discover ways to undo and overcome undesirable proclivities;
(d) identity traits, qualities, and attributions we would like to embody;
(e) cultivate a clear vision for advancing forward.
This will be a dynamic enterprise of study, learning, analysis, reflection, and review – all conducted in a safe, supportive environment. This will allow you to tap into some of the deeper aspects of yogic philosophy and teachings, and see how they can help and facilitate your progress towards your greater goals and aims. Our approach will be personal-cum-philosophical-cum practical.
Is This Course Appropriate For Me?
This class is suited for seekers; healers; practitioners; ordinary folks; or, anyone needing stress-relief, a new life focus, emotional support, or guidance in mental wellness.
The initial course – The Spiritual Science of Attachment – is helpful, but not required. Replays are available for part I.
Class Times & Replays:
The course will be comprised of 2 live online classes with replays freely available for all registrants. All times are EST.
Mon, Dec 5: 7pm to 8:15pm
Mon, Dec 12: 7pm to 8:15pm
Questions & comments will be welcomed anytime via email (or here) and extra Zoom sessions will be conducted by the instructor to answer particular questions. These Q & A Zoom sessions will become part of the course catalog and be made available to all attendees.
– A welcome packet and course materials will be sent to registrants a few days (or so) before the course begins. Note: The course handout will not be much different from the first course – the real key will be how we apply it.
– The two live classes will be a combination of lecture, discussion, and Q & A – with a strong emphasis on collective discussion. The game plan is to begin each class with a presentation of information (30 min), followed by an extended discussion, along with Q & A as needed.
– Weekly emails will serve as a bridge between classes.
– Questions will be accepted and replied to throughout the duration of the course via video.
– All registrants will have access to Zoom replays of the classes.
Tuition for Live: $55 by Nov 28, 2022 // $60 after Nov 28, 2022
Tuition for Replays Only: $50 (full course)
Register today to reserve your spot! Any questions, write us here.
As soon as you register you will receive confirmation, followed by course materials, and ultimately the link for the live online classes.
Tuition may be paid via:
– Venmo: @RenaissanceYoga
– Paypal: Request an invoice or find us
– Check: RenYoga c/o Nicholson, 1192 Fearrington Post, Pittsboro, NC 27312