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RenYoga U: The Bhagavad Gita & Mahabharata: Oct 7 – 28 (2021)

Presenting our inaugural RenYoga University Class (#001)

The Bhagavad Gita & Mahabharata:
Essence of Yogic Life & Spirituality

Join us for this grand dive into the greatest epic ever told that also serves as
a gateway into the world of yogic thought and spirituality…

View All Class Replays Here

~ Scroll down for registration info ~


The Mahabharata is one of the great epics of India, and is often regarded as the greatest and longest story ever told. Embedded within this magnificent tale is the Bhagavad Gita. Taken together, they stand as a pillar of yogic thought and spiritual insight. We shall unravel this remarkable epic and explore the myriad of subplots in a clear, simple, and engaging manner. Learn the main players along with their histories, strengths, trials, and victories. All the way through, we shall investigate the spiritual tenets and dharmic teachings that the epic offers, but are not always so evident to the reader. Discover how the events that occurred 3500 years ago (that’s right this is not mythology, but history) serve as a beacon of light for how we are to live our lives in this ultra-modern era. We will draw from a variety of sources and media, and will rely on my own 25-year love affair with this epic to tie it all together.

Every participant will gain:
(a) literary / academic understanding of this epic;
(b) insights into yogic spiritual teachings which help bring clarity and mental peace;
(c) practical guidelines for leading life in this modern era;
(d) an understanding of dharmic tenets that can serve as a guide in daily life and times of struggle;
(e) confidence to speak on and pursue further spiritual topics;
(f) new perspectives and greater reflection on their own life.

This course is appropriate for learners and seekers of all ages and backgrounds, including advanced practitioners, and experienced yoga teachers.

This course fulfills Continuing Education credits with Yoga Alliance as Satyam is an E-RYT 500 and a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider. 

Class Times & Replays:

The course will be comprised of 5 live online classes with replays freely available for all registrants. All times are EST.

Thurs, Oct 7: 9:15am to 10:30am
Thurs, Oct 14: 7pm to 8:15pm
Sun, Oct 17: 5pm to 6:15pm
Thurs, Oct 21: 9:15am to 10:30am
Thurs, Oct 28: 7pm to 8:15pm

Questions & comments will be welcomed anytime via email (or here) and special Zoom sessions may be arranged (if needed) to answer particular questions. Those extra Zoom sessions will become part of the course catalog and will be made available to everyone.


– A welcome packet and course materials will be sent to registrants in late September. Hint: The more you are able to do ahead of time the more you will get out of the course. That said, anyone can join day 1 and follow along.
– The five live classes will be a combination of lecture and Q & A.
– Weekly emails will serve as a bridge between classes.
– Questions will be accepted and replied to throughout the duration of the course.
– All registrants will have access to Zoom replays of the classes.

Note: For those who do not register, each class will be available a la carte for a rental fee of $25. The course materials will also be available for $25, but you will not have access to the weekly emails. 


Tuition: $95 by Oct 4 // $110 after Oct 4

Register today to reserve your spot!

Tuition may be paid via:
– Venmo: @RenaissanceYoga
– Paypal: Request an invoice or find us renyoga@gmail.com
– Check: RenYoga c/o Nicholson, 1192 Fearrington Post, Pittsboro NC 27312


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    1. Hi Greg,

      The short answer is “no”, but let me explain as this series is going to be jam-packed with info, stories, history, and philosophy.

      Tomorrow the initial welcome will go out to all registrants with an overview of what they can do now…and then early next week the main course materials and syllabus will be sent to registrants.

      As for outline, the skeletal framework should look something like this:

      Class #1: Bhagavad Gita & spiritual philosophy
      Class #2: Pre-war events and backdrop to the Bhagavad Gita
      Class #3: The war itself and events after the Bhagavad Gita
      Class #4: Stories and Spiritual philosophy
      Class #5: Metaphors & Wrap-Up

      Hope this helps – really this is going to be a packed experience…. pulling info from numerous sources and media….

      Any specific questions let me know…

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