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RenYoga U: Peace of Mind in Challenging Times (Mar 11 – 25)

Presenting our RenYoga University Class (#011)

Course Description:

By all accounts, across the spectrum and throughout the globe, we are indeed living in challenging times: There is so much struggle and strife, fighting and infighting, degradation and discord. How do we navigate this daunting and disturbing environment without retreating into our own cocoons or getting submerged in the whirlpool of events. How can we be informed, active players, yet remain hopeful and at peace with our place in the world, as well as respectful, kind, and loving with our fellow humans. 

Contrary to popular belief, yoga is not about retreating to Himalayan caves in stark solitude but about living in the society and affecting positive change. Here positive does not refer to a particular parochial platform or narrow interest, but about the cause of universal welfare that transcends boundaries and divisions. 

In this course, we will recognize today’s challenges and seek out strategies for overcoming them. We do not profess to have the answer or preach the views of a particular party or nation; instead, the aim is to create a sanctified space and find our own place to thrive amidst all the turbulence and suffering. 

Come be part of a safe, open community where all are respected and given a voice as we ponder, review, and explore yogic techniques and remedies – and rely on our own personal experience and insight as well – to generate empathy for all and a sense of calm within as we march ahead in these challenging times. 

Course Initiatives & Objectives:

  • You will complete a confidential, pre-course form to identify areas of interest and challenge.
  • Each class will begin with a warm welcome, short meditation, and central query that transitions into a group think-tank and discussion.
  • Each class will offer different yogic outlooks, perspectives, and stories to bring contrast and insight to the topic.
  • You will have opportunity to raise queries and points of discussion, as well as provide feedback and response.
  • A range of yogic remedies, techniques, and life practices will be shared to support your approach to greater health and a more easeful outlook.
  • The overall aim is create a platform where people feel heard and valued, and come away with practical resources and a lighter perspective.

Safeguards: Upon registration, a clear-cut set of guidelines and parameters will be sent to each registrant to ensure a safe, healthy, and comfortable place to discuss, learn, and grow. 

Class Times & Replays:

The course will be comprised of 3 live online classes with replays freely available for all registrants. All times are EST.

Mon, Mar 11: 7pm to 8:15pm
Mon, Mar 18: 7pm to 8:15pm
Mon, Mar 25: 7pm to 8:15pm


– A welcome packet will be sent to registrants a few days before the course begins.
– The three live classes will be a series of interactive sessions: presentation, reflection, inquiry, and response.
– Weekly emails will serve as a bridge between classes.
– Questions will be accepted and replied to throughout the duration of the course.
– All registrants will have access to Zoom replays of the classes.


Tuition: $80 by Mar 5, 2024 // $90 after Mar 5, 2024

Register today to reserve your spot! Any questions, write us here. 🙏

As soon as you register you will receive confirmation, followed by course materials, and ultimately the link for the live online classes. 

Tuition may be paid via:
– Venmo: @RenaissanceYoga
– Paypal: Request an invoice or find us renyoga@gmail.com
– Check: RenYoga c/o Nicholson, 1192 Fearrington Post, Pittsboro, NC 27312


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