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RenYoga U: Breathing & Chakras Nov 29 – Dec 13 (2021)

Presenting our RenYoga University Class (#002)

Breathing & Chakras

Nov 29 – Dec 13 (2021), Mondays 7p – 8:15p EST

An opportunity to refine your breathing by “getting under the hood” to experience
how it works, along the way deriving the many benefits…..

Course Replays

Watch all replays here…


The yogis have long held great insight into the art and science of breathing, i.e. svarashastra. The breath serves all planes of the human experience: physical, psychic, emotional, and spiritual. By understanding more about our breathing process and how intrinsically it is linked to our overall welfare – and practicing those techniques – the better off we are. This short course will provide you with all the essentials for revolutionizing your breath. The potential benefits will be both immediate and longterm: lower blood pressure, slower heart rate, better balance, reduced stress, heightened concentration and awareness, and zeal for spiritual inquiry. And, perhaps most importantly, it will serve as a platform for greater self-discovery and further investigation – on all levels. Along the way, we will also explore the chakra system as that is intrinsic to our mental well-being, and proper breath work must tap into something beyond the physical body; the mind and chakra system are that next step. Join us as we examine the very mundane and essential process of breathing and transform it into a truly dynamic and effective tool in your life.

This course is appropriate for learners and seekers of all ages and backgrounds, including advanced practitioners, and experienced yoga teachers.

This course fulfills Continuing Education credits with Yoga Alliance as Satyam is an E-RYT 500 and a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider. 

– Please read more info below –


– Please read more info below –

Class Times & Replays:

The course will be comprised of 3 live online classes with replays freely available for all registrants. All times are EST.

Mon, Nov 29: 7pm to 8:15pm
Mon, Dec 6: 7pm to 8:15pm
Mon, Dec 13: 7pm to 8:15pm

Questions & comments will be welcomed anytime via email (or here) and special Zoom sessions may be arranged (if needed) to answer particular questions. Those extra Zoom sessions will become part of the course catalog and will be made available to everyone.


– A welcome packet and course materials will be sent to registrants a week (or so) before the course begins.
– The three live classes will be a combination of lecture, practicum, and Q & A. The game plan is to begin each with a lecture with some practical application (20 – 30 min), followed by a check-in with live participants (which may or may not be recorded) (10 – 15 min), and then close with a practicum (20 – 30 min).
– Weekly emails will serve as a bridge between classes.
– Questions will be accepted and replied to throughout the duration of the course.
– All registrants will have access to Zoom replays of the classes.

Note: For those who do not register, each class will be available a la carte for a rental fee of $25. The course materials will also be available for $15, but you will not have access to the weekly emails. 


Tuition for Live: $55 by Nov 27 // $65 after Nov 27

Tuition for Replay: $50 (full course) // $25 per class & $10 per Q &A (a la carte)

Register today to reserve your spot!

Tuition may be paid via:
– Venmo: @RenaissanceYoga
– Paypal: Request an invoice or find us renyoga@gmail.com
– Check: RenYoga c/o Nicholson, 1192 Fearrington Post, Pittsboro NC 27312


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  1. Hi Satyam,
    I will be registering for the course and will pay via venmo.
    I already know that I will not be able to attend the first class live, but hope to be able to tune in live for the remaining two.

    1. Great to have you on board Sharon!!

      And not a biggee about missing week #1 because whatever queries and interesting thoughts get expressed in the live interaction will be addressed in the Q & A so you will not miss anything of substance…

  2. Satyam,

    I am interested in taking this but would like to ask you a couple of questions. Is there a time I could call – it should only take a couple minutes. Thanks,

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