Rensaissance Yoga Rock Revealed!!

As an ever-increasing number of you have been asking me about the Renaissance Yoga Rock, let me fill you in…

…Last winter one of my elder twin sisters was thinking of a gift for me. She looked at the back of my CD – which I had recently given her – and saw my logo. Being an aspiring artist, she promptly went for a hike, found an oval-shaped, smooth rock and beautifully painted the Renaissance Yoga logo onto that rock. Then she applied a PU coating and voila, we have the Renaissance Yoga Rock!!

As it is fairly heavy and already me and my tiny car are a mobile yoga closet ( I dare not use the word studio!), I have been keeping the rock at home.

On Eco-Day, the rock made its first public appearance. It was a little shy at first but after a while it warmed up to everybody.

For your viewing pleasure, here is that rock!

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