Relax & Restore – Our New Sat A.M. Class

Scenes from our new class:
Relax & Restore

Update Jan 11: We have now completely our two pilot classes and a full session starts this Sat January 16. Please know you are encouraged to come and bring all kinds of yoga props (old yoga mats, bolsters etc) and pillows from your  home and you will learn how to best use these items for restorative poses.

This weekend – Sat Jan 2 – we held our first Relax and Restore class – this is our new offering at 9:45am every Saturday ($40 5-weeks, $10 walk-in).

We began with seated breathing and some gentle seated stretches. Then transitioned to some low-impact standing balance poses, followed by a series of postures using the wall as support. The aim of this first segment of the class was to loosen and stretch the body, while calming the mind. This was all prep work for the second half of the class which focused more on restorative poses – staying in a position for an extended period to experience deep relaxation.

Each week the class will vary and participants will get scope to explore and discover new (and old) poses that best suit their needs. All are encouraged to come in and try this class – look forward to having you there!!

Here following are some scenes from the latter portion of the class where participants basked in a particular restorative pose..




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One Comment

  1. This new class put the rush and tumble of a typical weekend in a wonderful new perspective! I am still basking on the glow of this calming, focusing hour!

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