Recap: Chakras & Bio-Psychology Seminar

chakra workshopThanks to all for coming out to yesterday’s seminar, Chakras & Bio-Psychology. We had an extremely engaging group that offered many questions as well as many answers and reflections…

No doubt, the topic was a massive one: How does the chakra system affect our human personality. We discussed and practiced how each chakra is related with different glands and how those glands affect both our physical and mental bodies – specifically they affect tendencies of mind. While the chakra system is an ancient science in the world of yoga, how the chakras affect the glands is a revolutionary aspect; so the exciting next step is that now that the western world has become so involved in yoga, their scientific and research methods – combined with the intuitional science of the yogi – will lead to great strides forward.

But there is one thing we all know: When we go to class and practice yoga asanas [postures] then we feel different mentally – those physical postures have an effect in the psychic realm. That is because each and every asana is based on exercising (i.e. balancing) chakras which in turn affect the mind, ideally leading to a more subtle mental state. Plus, when we meditate then we begin to see the world in a new way. Both physical yoga postures and meditation vibrate and balance the chakras and bring forth new levels of understanding.

So this is a big topic and we did our very best to cover thousands of years of thought & practice in a 2 1/2 hr seminar!!

Here are some of the things participants had to say in response to the query, “The best part of the seminar was…”

The blending of learning and doing.

Taking the time to discuss each chakra & deepen overall understanding & having Satyam as a guide. Free to ask questions without judgement and engage.

The combination of theory and practice – really enjoyed the practice.

I enjoyed the theory most – Going in to this workshop I wanted to further my understanding not just on a physical level. I yearn to learn more and am grateful for an instructor who has so much to offer. I did enjoy meditating and “concentrating” on each chakra too : – )

(1) A much deeper and very satisfying, reassuring, knowledge that just continuing to want to progress on the path and will actually help me truly progress – that “practicing” will make it so. (2) Focusing on the sahasrara chakra gave me a physical and emotional feeling of expansion that I had not felt in ajina chakra.

Your enthusiastic and knowledgeable presentation and the community of other participants.

I enjoyed the chakra meditation with the singing bowls a great deal, but it was all rich and informative.

By understanding the chakras better I am able to see how I can use this new knowledge when meditating. I feel it will also enhance my physical yoga practice. Such an interesting subject…great seminar one of the best ones yet.

This was so informative – it really opened up a realm and made me understand I really have much more to learn!

Feel free to add further comments and reflections…

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