
Real Elephant Yoga

Real Elephant Yoga

See how and why these elephants are actually doing real yoga…

The yogis say that at some point in the future developed animals like cows, monkeys, elephants, and dogs etc will be able to learn and practice meditation wherein their minds are goaded towards true spirituality. And while we may not quite be there yet, a meaningful development has taken place. Nowadays, as reported by the Washington Post (“Another species is doing yoga to stay healthy: Elephants“), the Houston Zoo is teaching their elephants real yoga. Why real? Well…

The key point here is that the elephants are taught yoga for their well-being – not for some performative routine. In fact, it was not clear whether visitors can even witness these training sessions, but clearly these sessions are not done as shows. Instead, they are done to help the elephants have longer, healthier lives.

During their 3x daily yoga regimens, which last between 30 seconds and 5 minutes, the trainers check the elephants’ skin, flexibility, and overall energy. And if an elephant is not interested, it is not forced to participate. Oh, and yes goodies are involved:

After the elephants perform the moves, such as stretching to one side while raising their leg, trainers hand them a treat. The bananas, whole wheat bread, raisins, sweet potatoes and cantaloupe are a break from their normal diet of hay and bark.

It sounds like a winning formula that is done in the right spirit – in the spirit of yoga. Of course, there is plenty of room for improvement and growth given an elephant’s mental acuity – such elephants could probably be taught spiritual sadhana – yet it has to be recognized that their current yoga practice is being done in the spirit of welfare, not for some silly, performative routine to please the crowds. So let’s chalk this one up as a win.


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  1. I really enjoyed this about the elephants! I donate to the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. I started by rescuting a baby elephant by the name of Kibo. They do a lot for elephants and much more. I am going to send them this if you do not mind. Thank you for sharing this Dona

    1. It is not at all surprising that you would play an active role in this field. Great to hear, and by all means share this blog post / WA Post article….

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