Poseidon Conundrum: Satyam or not?

Poseidon Conundrum: Satyam or not?

Pat Morrison is a local artist who is active in our classes and here she presents us with a most interesting query. Kindly weigh in on this one…

Pat writes:

I am pretty sure I did the piece before I met you [Satyam], but someone asked if you were the Poseidon model. It does look like you, I think. What do you think?

Well, now that Pat has posed the query, it is “open-season” for you to give your answers. All I can offer at this point is that we checked with Poseidon, and, although, he was not particularly pleased with the comparison, he offered that it is a “very fine work of art”, and thus he would not lay a curse on anyone for answering either way on the matter.

To reach Pat and learn more about her work, kindly email her at: 


Here is more of Pat’s artwork on our site…


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