
Podcast: Yoga Nidra Live

Artwork by Sandi Miller
Artwork by Sandi Miller


Yoga Nidra Live

Featuring Singing Bowls & Chimes
as Concluding Section

Time: 22 min 37 sec

Here is a brand new yoga nidra practice that was recorded yesterday during the final section of class. Thanks to all who participated and helped inspire this practice. Also many thanks for allowing me to keep you so long after class was officially over. The end result is this gift we can share with others.

As with some of our other yoga nidra sessions, this one concludes with singing bowls and chimes – some find this very soothing and meditative. As an alternative, you may choose simply to experience silence at the end – personal choice.

Following the theme of this December’s Yoga Nidra Challenge, here then is another approach for quieting and stilling ourselves, thereby experiencing renewal and the opportunity to reach a more subtle state of mind.

Like most of our yoga nidra practices, all you need is a quiet, comfortable place to lie down. You may choose to have a yoga mat, blanket, and eye pillow as well.

Enjoy your practice and please do share your reflections – your thoughts are helpful to others who may wish to join this practice.

Omn shanti ~ May eternal peace prevail

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