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Podcast: Way of the Buddha

This podcast – the 4th in this ongoing series – describes, in brief, the life of the Buddha as well as his foundational teaching of the eight-fold path. Learn about Buddha’s brith and early years, why he embarked on a life of renunciation, where he achieved enlightenment, as well as his great gift of madhyama ma’rga, or the middle path.


Investigate each of the limbs of his eight-fold approach: samyak dharshan (right philosophy), samyak samkalpa (right determination), samyak va’k (right expresssion), sayak ajiiva (right occupation), samyak vya’ya’m (right exercise), samyak karmanta (right finishing), samyak smrti (right memory), and samyak sama’dhi (right ideation).

I hope you find this podcast both interesting and worthwhile. Your comments are of course most welcome. Duration: 11min 43sec


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  1. Good morning Satyam.

    I just want to thank you for the podcast series. I find them very helpful in understanding yoga beyond the physical aspects. Thanks for your effort and time.


  2. …well taught… just visiting the sight and re-listening to some of the pod cast while taking care of business. I am multi-tasking… 😉
    keep them coming.

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