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Podcast: The Ways of Karma

karmaIn this podcast, we explore how the law of karma works, as well as how you can improve your karma.

How does an action lead to a reaction? What is a sam’skara? What is prakrti?

What is good karma and what is bad karma? Discover how to escape all karmic reactions completely.

We discuss all the above and so much more in this short podcast about the wheel of karma.

If you would like supportive word doc’s about this topic let us know and we will certainly email them to you.

Your comments and questions are always most welcome.

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One Comment

  1. Here are three initial comments from the YJ Community Blog:

    * I learned a lot from this. Thank you very much. (lennonlover)

    * I have really enjoyed your podcasts. I just recently went through and listen to quite a few of them. All I can say is keep it coming.(lighthasmass)

    * This came at just the right time for me! Thank you! e (taohead)

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