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Podcast: Standing Balance Series 1

A Yoga Podcast:

Standing Balance Series 1

Time: 13 min 52 sec

This is the first in a new podcast series on balance poses. This is an unscripted podcast recorded during a private session; it is a short sequence that is appropriate for most practitioners.


To ensure you are able to follow along, here is the sequence of poses:

Mountain Pose -> Modified Tree (foot on ground across other foot) -> Little Tree -> Airplane Pose Prep -> Airplane Pose (Dekhasana) -> Half-Upward Arm Pose -> Airplane Pose (Dekhasana) -> Standing Pose [Repeat on Other Side]

Mountain Pose -> Capital X (both sides)

Lightening Bolt Pose -> Dancer Pose (pass the foot) -> Lightening Bolt Pose -> Dancer Pose (pass the foot)

Mountain Pose

Warrior I -> High Lunge -> Dancer Pose (Natarasana) -> Airplane Pose [Repeat on Other Side]

Mountain Pose


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