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Podcast: Oxymoron – Yoga & the Olympics

Podcast: Oxymoron – Yoga & the Olympics

Join us this Thursday (7/15) at 6pm EST for this critical & timely topic….

The pandemic-delayed 2020 Olympics are upon us here in July 2021, and the age-old – nope – make that new-age query is upon us: Should yoga become an Olympic event? That is the query a bright-eyed freelance journalist asked me this spring – and we went at it – alas, the grand editors of YJ found the interview / topic either unworthy of or too controversial for reaching the printed / digital page. So we decided to bring the topic forward on our own….please join us!!

Thursday, July 15 at 6pm – Watch Live / Replay

Thursday, July 15 at 6pm – Watch Live / Replay

For a decade or more, there has been a push to make yoga an Olympic event. Here we explore the impetus behind this proposal, as well as why yoga is not suited to become an Olympic event. The fact that this has even become a public debate raises questions about the aims of those steering the phenomenon of yoga in the 21st century. The boundaries of this conversation are then not limited to the Olympics themselves, but encompass the why’s and how’s of the entire contemporary yoga movement. Look forward to having you on board for this important topic.


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