
Podcast: Essential Point Within

~ Photo By Greg Izzi ~

 Meditative Podcast:

Essential Point Within

Time: 14 min 07 sec

This podcast explores techniques for turning the mind and one’s thoughts inwards. Along the way gain various methods for refining one’s practice and uncovering some of the more hidden chakra points.

This meditation helps generate a gentle flow of mind that allows the practitioner to delve deeper within.

The session concludes with a universal, cosmic ideation suitable for all…


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  1. Thank you Satyam, I had my awareness on my throat, and I began to see inside my throat where a liquid was gently flowing down over the back of my tongue. Then I could see down into my esophagus, but I was afraid of what I might see if I allowed the images to keep coming. With your guidance I was in a deep meditative state! I wasn’t ready to come back yet.

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