Podcast Challenge: Compilation
Podcast Challenge: Compilation
Here is a compilation of the August 2020 Podcast Challenge…
Look forward to meeting with YOU!!
Ask your yoga question or share with us a life experience!!
#8: This next podcast could be YOURS
What topic will you choose??
#7: Question on Relationship Between Zen & Yoga
On Wed (12/16/20), Radoje raised an interesting query about the link (if any) between zen and yoga.
#6: Question & Discussion on Health & GI Tract Issues & More
On Mon (8/24/20), Mara and I had a wide-ranging conversation on digestive issues, food properties, nutrition, fasting, and more.
#5: Question on “Breathing “Naturally”
On Wed (8/19/20), Sharon and I went over the dynamics of the breath, and, specifically, what is means to breathe naturally.
#4: Question on Getting the Benefits of the Practice
On Sat (8/15/20), Frannie and I sat and discussed the relationship between one’s intention behind their practice and the actual benefits they receive.
#3: Our Personal Journeys: How we came onto the path
On Tue (8/5/20), Mara and I met up to discuss our beginnings into yoga, how the journey progressed, and so much more.
#2: Question on Human-Animal Relation & Our Pets
On Sun (8/2/20), Annie and I got together to discuss the yogic outlook on domesticated animals and their level of consciousness.
Note: In the above video I refer to the four basic propensities of animal life but only remembered three. Just afterwards when Annie and I were casually speaking the fourth one came to mind: sleep.
For the record then, the four are: (1) áhára [food], (2) nidrá [sleep], (3) bhaya [fear], and (4) maethuna [procreation].
#1: Question on Meditation & Visualization
On Wed (7/29/20), Sandra and I met up to go over her query on meditation.

[Re: #1: Question on Meditation & Visualization]
Very interesting query! Thanks Sandra!
[Re: #1: Question on Meditation & Visualization]
Very helpful discussion, thanks to you both
[Re: #1: Question on Meditation & Visualization]
Enjoyed listening to that exchange Sandra, thanks.
[Re: #2: Question on Human-Animal Relation & Our Pets]
Thanks for your Question Annie I really enjoyed your conversation with Satyam. My sweet dog Cassie is nearing the end of her life now and I’m dealing with lots of emotions. One thing for sure is that the love shared between Cassie and Mike and I is is felt deep inside all of us. I will try to remember to introduce her to you guys at the next class Thanks again
I am so sorry Sharon…can only imagine what a wonderful life Cassie has shared with you
Thanks Annie, Yes she has
Very sorry to hear the news Sharon and know how difficult this period can be…
…by all means, please do have Cassie join in for a Zoom hello with all of us – we would really enjoy seeing her!!
Thanks Satyam, I’ll have her join us at the Friday 9 am class
OK – will get the word out…

[Re: #3: Our Personal Journeys: How we came onto the path]
What a treat on a morning to listen to Mara’s query! To hear two of the most influential people in my life discuss their ‘origins’ was just delightful
. It made me think about how grateful I am that our lives have crossed, and how many coincidences and steps it took for that to happen…
Satyam, I wondered what those 6 original asanas were that you practiced?
Mara, I didn’t realize you had been practicing so long…what made you try yoga at such a tender age?
This was so much fun and encouraging to listen to…thank you both for sharing!
Hi Annie
“Satyam, I wondered what those 6 original asanas were that you practiced?”
(a) shoulderstand [Sarvaungasana]
(b) fish [Matsyasana]
(c) seated spine twist [Matsysendrasana]
(d) Supine to seated forward fold [Utkata Paschimotanasana]
(e) wheel pose [Cakrasana]
You got me…I guess it was only five!!
Those 5 are enough
I started practicing yoga with Mom while in high school. I liked the movement and stretch, and it helped with my anxiety that I was battling at the time. I was hit and miss over my college years as I was back and forth, but when home over breaks I almost always made it to at least one class to get my fill
For me, it was just the starting point to something much bigger in my life! I would say looking back, I could have used a lot more yoga in my life while at college too, but it is all a journey and how we learn and grow!
Thanks for sharing your experience…

[Re: #3: Our Personal Journeys: How we came onto the path]
Thank you to both of you…it was so interesting to learn about your paths!
[Re: #4: Question on Getting the Benefits of the Practice]
And, I just listened to a Frannie’s and loved it as well! As one who often comes to the mat distracted and usually leaves more focused, I was super encouraged to learn about the yogic take on all this. Kind of like, “if you build it, they will come,”
This has been such a cool challenge!
[Re: #4: Question on Getting the Benefits of the Practice]
I also loved Frannie’s question. One thing I heard over the years, and have started to use myself, is that the practice of yoga is called just that, a practice. There is a reason why we continue to practice yoga, because every day is different and it isn’t always “perfect”, but we continue to work towards our intention/goal/higher sense of self (whatever it may be for you). And I have found the practice of yoga nidra is absolutely amazing, and no matter where I am or what is going on, this alone helps me more than anything else!
This was a great little session! Thanks Frannie and Satyam!
My cats have also “enjoyed” the art of either “zoom-bombing” during yoga class. I’ve had the experience of one cat flying down the stairs only to knock over my IPad in mid flight (thanks Rudi), or sleeping on my mat while I’m trying to do a pose or two, or meowing as loud as can be during class (that’s a Siamese for you.) These cats are old, but somehow manage to show a bit of youthfulness. It’s interesting to have the feline family join in even from the Pacific Northwest! Still can’t get my husband to join.