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Pier Review: TV Interview w/ Wendy Rieger NBC-4

NBC News Washington Pier Review Wendy Rieger Renaissance Yogajpeg

Wendy Rieger, the news anchor of NBC-4, approached me for an interview for her new show, “Pier Review”, in early September. So one morning we sat and talked on her pier and she also came to a class and filmed. That interview began airing (Oct 27, 2010) on a show called DC Scene, of which Pier Review is a part. The show will air for the next few weeks on channel 208 Comcast. Please watch for it there. Renaissance Yoga was the first topic of this series. Thanks Wendy for having me on!!

For your easy access, here is that interview with Wendy. It is titled:

Pier Review: Learning Yoga From A Global Yogi

FYI, here is the story of what happened when Wendy came to class to shoot the video…READ THIS

All comments are most welcomed below – look forward to hearing from you. Did we pass our first ever TV interview?? – I hope so. Let us know.

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  1. I very much enjoyed this review!

    It was a more personal approach that translated exceptionally well –

    providing the audience an approachable understanding of Yoga within a casual conversation that everyone might relate to…

    Well done~


  2. Satyam, Gracious as always. You do fit your name. But then I’ve told you that before. My husband finally got to “meet” you via video. He also enjoyed the piece.
    Peace, Sandi

  3. This was fabulous! Kudos to Wendy for doing this interview with Satyam, and I am so glad the kitty found a perfect home. Thank you Satyam for all of your hard work and for spreading the wonderful word of yoga.

  4. Way to go Satyam – how wonderful. I am enjoying witnessing the progress of the service you provide for the community to a healthier, better life.


  5. Thank you for sharing the interview with all of us (especially those without cable :). Satyam you are a blessing to the community and a reminder to us all of what lies within each one of us – beauty and light. Namaskar, Alisha
    I do miss soaking up the precious collective energy in Galesville Hall. . . 🙂

  6. Well done!!!

    Energy was excellent. Open, welcoming informative.

    You made me smile.

    …and you very much lived up to the meaning of your name.

    Wendy asked good questions and you answered very well.


  7. Hey Satyam!

    Nice segment. Hope to hear more of your bike trip through India sometime. Didn’t know you did that.
    Missed class with you yesterday so Eleanor went solo. She came home quite refreshed. See you soon!


  8. Thanks, Satyam. Just the words that I expected from you; an encouraging message, said in a simple way. The setting is beautiful!

  9. Thank you for sharing this. Your interview was wonderful! I loved seeing you and hearing about your bike trip in India. Biking is certainly a great way to see the countryside.

  10. It was great to see your interview. PA doesn’t get that show so this was my only way of seeing it. I’ve always thought you name was beautiful but never know what it’s meaning was. It fits you. You are both benevolent and truthful and always looking out for your students welfare. Your energy and peacefulness are your best gifts. Namaskar

  11. CONGRATS!!! How exciting!!

    Wow, I would have been nervous during the interview, but you seemed so composed! -and chose the most perfect words! The entire segment was put together so nicely- what an awesome representation of yoga as a journey- love it!!

    Thank you for sharing!!!


  12. What a great interview! It was nice to be able to email it to my mother and other family members so I could share with them the person who has taught me the true meaning of yoga. I am grateful for how you have shown me that yoga is so much more than asanas.

    I also appreciate how your classes are fun and the routine is varied, not to mention challenging (at least in strength & fitness!).

    Namaskar –

  13. Greetings from the Rocky Mountains! Back in Colorado now and as I told you in my last class I so appreciated your warm welcome to your sessions, as well as from the other students. As in your name, the class did give me a sense of benevolence and truthfulness, not to mention some moments of much needed peacefulness, a true credit to your teaching format. Thank you for including me in your emails and streaming of the interview. It was very well presented and I especially enjoyed the bits about your start, influences and the meaning of your name, which I have shared with my family.

    As I attended my Friday a.m. yoga class here, a beautiful clear day with Pike’s Peak as a backdrop, I couldn’t help but think of your class there, while doing my poses. I hope to also share some of your wisdom with my fellow students. Will reconnect when I’m visiting in Maryland again. Keep up your healing work!

  14. Satyam! That was great! I am so glad that you, as well as YOGA the practice and lifestyle, are getting exposure! I enjoyed hearing from you the history of your chosen name 🙂



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