Phone Challenge: June ’23

Phone Challenge: June ’23

Let’s critically evaluate how we “use” our phones and regain some of our time…

Everyone loves their phone, or so goes the saying anyway. Perhaps more than any device, the phone has become the most treasured, and perhaps the most addictive. This is a common (and accurate) call nowadays.

At the same time, time is our most treasured resource, though often we take it for granted. We always think we will have time in the future to do the things we want or need to do. But, as we all know, it does not always work out that way.

How then do we navigate these two treasured items: phone and time. Well, as it turns out, it is a match made in heaven. The more critically aware we are about how we use our phones, the more time we can recover. So it is a win-win situation, if done properly.

So for the month of June 2023, we shall take a good, hard, honest look at how we use our phones. I am not suggesting we unplug – entirely. That would be too easy. Rather, we have to ask ourselves and identify: (a) when do we pick up our phones without any intention of using them; or, (b) when do we engage in endless, mind-numbing scrolling on the phone; or, (c) when do we do anything on our phones without a specific purpose in mind.

Once we identify these occasions, then the key is to refrain from doing them. We need to cut that habit. If we have the insight and discipline to do this, I think we will find that we will recover a lot more time than we realize – time, that can be used for those wonderfully meaningful endeavors that we otherwise fail to get to in life.

What apps or tendencies are taking up your time? How effective are you at addressing the issue? Are you able to overcome that initial desire to engage in this behavior? Feel free to share (anonymously if you wish) your findings below….


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  1. Funny you should mention this, Satyam…I just found this addictive game on my phone last week and have marvelled at how time has flown while I have been just absorbed in it. I had to laugh at myself the other day…It’s ridiculous! So, thanks for the challenge!

    1. It really is amazing how much time can be spent on some of this apps – sometimes just in batches of 4 or 7 minutes. Thus far, five days into the challenge, I am doing very poorly….

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