Personal Story Challenge: Dec 2014
And the Monthly Challenge for December 2014 is….. The Personal Story Challenge.
As we all know, stories and life tales are great teaching and learning tools – and very interesting as well. It is much easier to learn from a story and life incident than from a philosophical tenet.
So with the coming of the end of the year – as we reflect on past experiences – we heartily invite you to bring out your stories. Tell us about an incident or happening in your life that was a learning experience for you and fostered your personal growth and development. It might be a simple everyday event or a more decisive, momentous occasion; it might be humorous or serious – recent or old. It is entirely up to you. This is all about our sharing and growing as a community. What was a learning experience for you will probably be a learning experience for many others. So sharing your tale will bring about much good.
Remember, this is not a writing contest. It is a time of sharing. Your story may be short or long, poetically written or shared via a series of tweets. It could even be an audio recording for all to hear. However you choose to share your story is entirely up to you. The main thing is that it is yours – that is enough to make it authentic and valuable.
How To Participate: Simply email us your story – in whatever format you choose: written, audio, or video – and you are welcome to submit a photo as well. The photo may be of you or of something related with your story. And then we will get back to you and have it published on our blog where everyone may read and offer comment on it.
Most certainly, I will also bring forth a tale or two – look forward to hearing yours…namaskar. Browse All Stories

A wonderful ‘challenging’ challenge to end the year!