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Outdoor Yoga: May 23, 2019

Outdoor Yoga 2019 – Opening Session

Here is a look at our initial Outdoor Yoga session (5/23/19) of the 2019 season at Greenstreet Gardens….

Overview of the Sky

Well it was quite stormy earlier in the afternoon, but look how nice it got once it was time to begin our yoga session.

Yoga As Usual

Greentstreet Gardens has proven to be an absolutely ideal location for our Outdoor Yoga sessions. Here we are just getting going with some deep, seated poses.

Here goes another engaging hip opener.

And in this manner, our yoga practice was proceeding in a very serene manner in this lush environment with birds chirping all around. There were not interruptions or intrusions. Until….

The Disturbance

See if you see anything different going on – or if anyone new has arrived on the scene…

What about this – do you see him now??

This is Patches – and my goodness, does he love people, and yoga, and yoga mats. He was even trying to squeeze himself into the open end of a tightly rolled up yoga mat.

Alert: Cat on the Mat

Indeed, everything was fine until Patches came onto the scene. Earlier he was off the mat and now he is on the mat – everyone’s mat…

Then Patches got entangled in the poses…

In the culminating instance, Patches lays down the law and declares, “Let’s be clear now; this is MY mat.”


Greenstreet Gardens is its own unique ecosystem and a wonderland unto itself. Come on out for our next yoga session (most likely June 20) and when leaving, do not forget to say goodbye to the goats….

For more information about Outdoor Yoga – click here….


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    1. We missed having you there…

      Thanks for sending this latest round of Alaska pics!! Looks like you all are having a great trip!!

      See you upon your return….

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