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Outdoor Yoga at St. Johns with Special Guest

Outdoor Yoga at St. Johns with Special Guest

Had a wonderful session of outdoor yoga and right in the middle we had a welcomed, but unexpected, guest…

On Saturday (23 Sep 2017) I went up to St. John’s College for what was initially going to be an indoor yoga session.

Before class, Chris and I were talking and he casually mentioned the option to hold the session outside since it was such a beautiful day. When everyone arrived (16 – 18 or so) in the gym / studio for class, the overwhelming opinion was to take it outdoors. So off we went.

But there was someone whom we did not ask who showed up anyway…about halfway through our class, this fellow came trotting along – right through our class…

Alright, so maybe this is not the EXACT fox; nonetheless, a more brownish, and slightly scragglier version of a fox scampered right by us. Have to admit that was the first time I did yoga with a fox. Tried to do a fox pose but could not recall it – there isn’t one. Anyway, it was a very neat sight. And he trotted across the field as if he had done it a thousand times before, yet still he was in a bit of a hurry! Actually, he was jogging up to us, mouth open, tongue out, and I actually thought it might be someone’s dog, a bit on the runt-ish side. But no, it was a fox…

As for the yoga class, it could not have been a more genuine group of students. They hailed from around the globe and were very keen to practice and try new things. Mostly, I noticed how supportive they were of one another. We did a varied vinyasa practice and everyone did well with it. Here we are towards the end of class. And yes, unlike the fox, this really is us!

Look forward to heading back to St. John’s a few more times this semester. Next up, October 28!!


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One Comment

  1. Thanks so much for the class, Satyam!

    The students enjoyed it very much!

    And I’m glad you had a special visitor. That fox has been scampering around campus all semester, and, just like the students, I’m sure some of the calm and balance of the class did the little guy some good!

    Thanks again!

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