Our Two Amelias!!

This past week both Katie and Monaca delivered baby girls – both named Amelia. They (Katie and Monaca) were in class together very consistently over the months, delivered only 3 days apart, and even crossed paths in the hospital. It seems their stars match.

Here we have  Amelia Raana born to Monaca and Reza on Monday, Aug 13, at 5:07am. She was 7lbs 15oz and 19.5 inches long.


And here is Amelia Joyce, born to Katie and Jonny on Friday, Aug 10…

Amelia (Katie)

Congratulations to the proud parents of both babies…

…both Amelias look absolutely adorable and both are fulfilling their baby dharma perfectly – sleep, fuel up, and get ready for a long and prosperous life! Wonderful to have them both with us!!

As as an FYI: Here is Katie practising at 8 1/2 months… And while we do not have similar shots of Monaca – suffice to say that she was doing rock-solid handstands just a few days before delivering!

Best wishes to the new borns, moms, and dads…rest up – enjoy your growing family – and look forward to seeing you soon!!

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  1. Satyam, you invest so much of yourself in your students. They benefit all ’round!
    Lovely to see these two babies having had such a great start in life through yoga and your inspiration.

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