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Our Restorative Yoga Workshop

restorative_iconYesterday, marked our first ever Restorative Workshop, and 23 participants braved the snow and made it in for the experience!

Restorative Yoga is the practice of bringing your mind and body into a state of balance through very gentle postures – supported by props – held for longer periods. It is a time to be still, quiet, and delve inside. Even then there is the occasional hurdle – as some will attest with regards to the standing/seated wide angle series! By and large though restorative yoga is a soothing program of restful poses that help to recharge oneself. In its totality it is a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual journey towards enhancement – with each participant having their own unique experience.

With bolsters abound, straps around, blankets covering, chairs side by, and eye pillows on top, we step by step embarked on our endeavor. It was new to some of us, like seeing an old friend for others, yet in the course of things we all experimented and found renewal and peace in our practice.

As a facilitator, it was a joy to partake and I also walked away with new and better ways of doing for next time.

This is something we do wish to offer more of and I hope everyone will come out and experience first-hand the joy and serenity inherent to a restorative yoga practice.

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  1. Thank you for Restorative Yoga yesterday…

    The most amazing thing: Doing my yoga practice this morning, I have never felt as limber. No stiffness in my spine or elsewhere. It must be a result of Restorative Yoga.

    – Carolyn

  2. Bringing my life pace down to a more quiet level seems to be hard for me to do on my own. Yoga really is the only place where I feel the relaxation I know my body needs to restore itself. Thank you for all of the programs you offer. They are beneficial to so many people.


  3. Satyam

    The class was peaceful and quiet, after an hour or so of that condition, I felt calm and clear, it was a wonderful feeling just like after a good massage. I enjoy the meditation classes very much too, my meditation practice at home is sporadic, the classes help me focus on a peaceful place in my head and I love it!

    You are wonderful teacher, I am grateful you are here.

    Thank you.
    Holly Ross

  4. Satyam,

    Thank you for suggesting that I attend. I have been very fearful about about when to get back to yoga. I don’t entirely understand how to work with this injured muscle–what to avoid and how forgiving it will be if I do something wrong. The pain is too great to endure if I make a mistake.

    I had a great time yesterday and felt very good when I left. Today I feel even better.

    Many thanks,


  5. Namaste!
    Dear Satyam,
    It had been a rough week for M——, H—-, A—– and I! Your restorative session was exactly what we needed. We finished the day with dinner at Portside and pie at M——‘s
    house. What could be better? I really took to heart your comment about our busy lives and how much reconnecting with our inner good and the good of all the participants can improve our own worlds and the worlds around us. Thank you for guiding us to that end.

    All the best,

  6. I’m so glad I attended the Restorative Session…lots of great relaxing positions (except for that standing/seated wide angle chair manuever, total torture!) and good ideas for at home.

    I agree with the other posts here that we are all so busy and this helps us focus on “me” time and relax.

    Wonderful afternoon and I look forward to more.

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