Our Potluck: A Grand Occasion

potluckOur first-ever vegetarian potluck was nothing short of a complete, smashing success. Thanks to all of you! We had great turnout of about 40 people – and the dishes everyone brought were just outstanding.

Everyone was so creative in food preparation. It was a feast fit for queens and kings – make that yoginis and yogis: Tasty as can be and healthy too!

We literally had 30+ dishes: Appetizers, soup, many main dishes, salads, & desserts. And plenty, plenty to go around. It was a veritable feast and the company was great! And yes, everyone got to meet Sara – our visiting restorative yoga teachers and guest of honor.

There was community feeling, smiles, laughs, stories, sharing – and of course face painting for all those 8 and below! We had it all and when it was time to go I truly felt I was heading home from a wonderful, family gathering.

And like I said the food was extraordinary – I really should have written down the names of the various dishes – because everyone did some really inspired cooking!!

Watch for the next one!!!

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