Organic Sprouting Seeds Are In!!

Organic Sprouting Seeds

We now have organic sprouting seeds available at most classes…

The Sprouting Challenge proved to be quite popular. Many purchased sprouting jars and I know a number of you jumped right into growing your own sprouts. Beans and legumes (lentils, garbanzo beans, etc) are readily accessible whereas high-quality seeds are not always so easy to find. I now have a good stock of USDA certified organic seeds available by the ounce – so you can get just what you need.


Here is our current stock. All seeds are $1 per ounce and USDA certified organic unless otherwise noted:

– Alfalfa Seeds

– Broccoli Seeds – $2 per ounce

– Chinese Cabbage (untreated but not org)

– Clover (Red) Seeds

– Fenugreek

– Radish Seeds

– Sunflower Seeds

Look forward to sharing these with you…I will try and have a basic supply with me at the various classes…


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  1. HI Satyam,
    could I purchase 4oz of the following seeds:
    and another 4oz of Radish
    That should total. $28

    I’ll be in on Saturday morning but can always get them later in the week too. Thanks Gail

    1. I should have most everything – I think I am shy on the alfalfa right now, and have to get a new order in. I will gather what I have and email you…

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