
Nitro’s Progress Reports: Nov ’18 – Feb ’19

Nitro’s Progress Reports: Nov ’18 – Feb ’19

Check out how well our guy (photo at bottom) is doing in training….Go Nitro!!

Nov 2018

Nitro is in the process of completing his medical and behavioral evaluations
and is settling into the kennel routine. In grooming he showed resistance to
cradling and nail trimming and was stiff, and vocalized initially. He was
more calm by the end of the session. We will work to build his comfort level
with this. In the play yard he plays appropriately with the other dogs and
responds to recall for a food reward. On the temperament test he retreated
from the loud noise element of the test and needed handler help to recover.
In the training room he settles nicely in a crate.

Dec 2018

This month Nitro has made good progress in training and has learned
the push command. He is able to push a drawer closed with his nose
for a food reward. He is also learning the beginning stages of the
“get” command and can hold a simple wooden object in his mouth. On
our last public trip he did not have any big reactions but was aware
and alert to the environment. He did some barking in the van crate so
we will work to build his comfort with this. Nitro has made progress
with grooming and is more accepting of cradling and nail trimming.

Jan 2019

Nitro has made progress with the push command and can close a cabinet,
drawer and target a push plate for automatic doors. We have also been
working on the retrieve behavior and he is picking up a variety of simple
objects. On our last public outings he did a little whining in the van
crate but has overall settled more. He gets excited when greeting people,
especially kids so we are working on helping him have more calm and
controlled interactions. He is overall willing and responsive to commands.
In the play yard he can occasionally play rough so we are working on
building a reliable recall.

Feb 2019

This month Nitro has learned the light command and can turn on a light
switch using his nose. He has also been introduced to the tug behavior
and can tug a laundry basket across the floor. We will soon generalize
his tug to drawers and doors. Nitro met two small children and was
excitable initially and vocalized. He was wiggly but would hold a down
with some handler help. On our last public trip he was a bit less focused
in the city environment. He was non-reactive to the sounds of ferries and
sirens, and did well on some metal, open stairs. In the play yard Nitro
has made progress with his recall.


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