
Nitro’s Destiny

Nitro’s Destiny

It’s official – we got the low-down on what’s goin’ down with Nitro…

Nitro has successfully completed his training and is due to graduate this Friday, May 10. But the really big news is that he got matched – he got a placement in the community, which not all graduates get, in which case they have to remain in the training program. Whereas Nitro will be out in the world working.

So without further ado, here is his placement:

  • Site Facility Dog (at a school in Virginia)

An Ideal Placement

What does it all mean? Well, first off, it means Nitro will have a home life and a work life. They will be separate. Everyday he will wake up and go to work and then come home and chill out. Specifically, Nitro will be living with a family that has three kids, teenage twin boys and an elementary school aged daughter. The family is active and enjoys outdoor activities. In a nutshell, that will be his home life. And then, each day he will put on his uniform and head to work at the school where he will support all types of students who need some type of support: emotional help, stress-relief, social issues, and general life trials. (Note: I am assuming that one or both of the parents that Nitro will be living with are teachers or counselors at the school.)

This sounds like an absolutely excellent placement! By what we saw of Nitro as he was growing up, he will shine in this role. Those of you who remember Liam will recall that Liam was an old soul in a puppy’s body. His general mode was, “I am here and ready to report to duty.” Liam was the consummate professional, always in command of his emotions and he could quickly read just about any situation. For instance, he would treat 4-year-old children radically differently as he could sense if a child was accustomed to being around dogs or not. In contrast to that stoicism, Nitro was a big, emotional, joyous, shedding, fur ball. His main goal was to get as close as he could to everyone – always; he was a leaner, constantly weighing his body into you, whether he was standing, sitting, or lying.

Obviously, his trainers at CCI in NY picked up on Nitro’s “embrace-one-and-all” personality and harnessed it in a very refined and constructive manner. And that has culminated with his site facility placement where he can work with kids all day long in a school. Nitro easily has enough energy for the entire school! For Nitro, that will be heaven on earth, and the kids will really enjoy and benefit from his presence and care.

More About Facility Dogs

Here is info from CCI’s website about this type of placement:

Facility dogs are expertly trained dogs who partner with a facilitator working in a health care, visitation or education setting.

One of the most valued qualities of the facility dog is the unconditional love and attention it gives to the clients and patients with whom it interacts.

In an educational setting, a facility dog helps engage students in schools and special education classes.

Facilitators are working professionals responsible for handling and caring for the facility dog. Additionally, facilitators are committed to long-term employment where they directly serve clients with special needs a minimum of twenty hours per week.

Read more…

Congratulations to Nitro!! And indeed, a job well done Tina…

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  1. Great to hear the good news about Nitro. And thanks for the good explanation of what Nitro will be doing. Like you said, it sounds like a really good match. Lucky dog, lucky family, lucky facility. Thanks to Tina!

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