Nitro “Overseeing” Inversions (kind of)

Nitro “Overseeing” Inversions (kind of)

Nitro is in training & doing great, however we might not recommend him to spot anyone learning inversions….not just yet anyway…

The following scene occurred this past Thursday (1/25/18), which is just a week or so beyond Nitro’s first birthday. Just as an FYI, Nitro is weighing in at around 79lbs nowadays.

At the outset, Nitro just stretched out, shooting his legs straight back, and buried his snout into the carper as Tina went up into her inversion.

In this next frame, he is clearly trying not to get involved in what is going on in the room. Nitro obviously has business elsewhere. Fortunately, Tina is well-practiced.

Thereafter, Nitro did look directly up a Tina’s feet – as if to say – why are your feet up there…and almost taking interest in what was going on, but of course I did not capture that on “film.” But it happened and if you do not believe me then ask Pam.

Below, Nitro just relaxed a bit knowing that Tina was finally in a more reasonable position.

His final thoughts of this experience were, “I am sooooo ready for this class to be over!”

Thanks Nitro for coming and helping!!


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  1. Yep. That’s exactly what he did. He looked up the wall at Tina’s feet as if to say, “Hey, what’re THOSE doing UP THERE?” 🙂
    Such a cutie.

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