
Nitro Enters College

Nitro Enters College

Here is a a short photo journal, play-by-play of Nitro’s entry into college.

Well, the time finally came (sigh) for dear Nitro to make his long-awaited transition into college. Here he is below seated outside the CCI campus on Long Island, NY. This is the same campus where Liam began his training.

Brotherly Reunion & More

But the occasion was not just about good-byes and farewells. Once on site, Nitro was reunited with his brother, Nevada. See how much they look alike!! Other than the obvious color difference, Nitro seems to be a bit huskier. Though, I am willing to admit that Nevada has the cooler name.

(Aside: When Liam graduated he met his brother Lincoln and they really did look alike. Interestingly, Nitro was also at the graduation and got to meet Liam.)

Please also take note of Nitro’s new blue vest as he is now officially a trainee!! That old, yellow “baby” vest never did him justice anyway; he looks far more regal in blue.

Final Goodbyes

Here below Tina and Nitro have their departing good-bye. They will see each other again when Nitro graduates – some months down the road. Or, in the event Nitro flunks out (which I highly doubt), then Nitro will return home and live with Tina.

Manifest Destiny

Ready to embark on his new journey and meet his destiny, Nitro makes the long walk down the hallway to start his collegiate studies and training. Much success to you Nitro – do us proud!!

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