
New Perspective: Law & Nature

New Perspective: Law & Nature

Here is a very interesting piece that challenges the current paradigm
of law’s relationship with nature…

The author is a longtime member of the renyoga community and resident of south county.

The yogis say that the answer to every issue lies latent within the human mind. Often, a shift in perspective, whether it be a minor adjustment or a fundamental change, offers a rational solution to an existing problem. Accordingly, no field of study or profession is to be laid to blame per se, but rather the human approach within that discipline.

In her below article, Stacy Schaefer, an attorney at law and local yogini, presents the legal community, and veritably all of us, with a fresh perspective on the relationship between law and nature. For the lay person, it is an approachable piece and well worth the read as it touches on themes that tie into the depths of yogic thought: What is our inherent link with nature and how should we navigate this in today’s modern world. The article brings hope as well as much needed solutions to a critical issue.

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