National X-C Camp at Naval Academy: 6/29/18

National X-C Camp at Naval Academy: 6/29/18

An absolutely great yoga session today with the runners and athletes of the Naval Academy’s National Cross-Country Camp!!!

Thanks to Coach Boyle for the opportunity to practice with this year’s athletes – a tradition that began back in 2008. Today’s crew was just an awesome group who put their all into the session. Thanks so much to everyone who participated – our count was 115 in total.

Here are a few shots to remember the day. If anyone else took photos, send ’em on in!!! [submit to: renyoga(at)gmail(dot)com]

Look forward to the next session on the 4th!!!

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    1. Coach Boyle who is the head women’s coach at the Academy is big on yoga.

      I polled the camper / athletes this year before the start of the class and most of them had done some yoga before and a solid portion indicated that it was part of their regular training regimen with their local team(s).

  1. I think this is awesome. And that u do it every year. You gave me appreciation and respect for yoga. And you pass on your knowledge and zeal with young people!

    (via Facebook)

  2. Awesome way to give back and support our military-in-training for so many years!!! Hopefully it will become a way of life for them in the future, and Satyam feel proud that you can give something to them to take forward.

    1. Hi Jane,

      How are you – you are missed in these parts!! I certainly know how you and your family have sacrificed over the years and it is an honor to share the gift of yoga in this arena.

      Do stop in if you are ever in the mid-Atlantic region!!


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