
Nancy’s Moss Wreath

Here is the next piece for March’s Self-Expression Challenge. The submissions are coming in fast as the end of the month nears.

There are limited hours in the day and when you have a big and growing family as well as a quota of 6 hours of crow pose a day, it can be hard to find the time for artistic endeavours. But find it she did. Here we have a very eye-appealing moss wreath by Nancy. She explains more about it below…


Nancy tells us: I made the wreath because I couldn’t find one that I liked to purchase. There are so many great ideas online and I combined elements of several, such as the grapevine wreath, moss, birds and nests. It was fun to make but I have a lot of burns from the hot glue gun.

Thanks for sharing Nancy this wonderful wreath – the greenery is great – looks nice on the wood door.

Here are other entries from this month’s challenge:

Pennie’s Orchids, Michelle’s Self-Portrait, Liz’s Lunchbags, Jennifer’s Cakes, Jean’s Stained Glass, Tina’s Jewelry and Candy’s Skier– with more to come…

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  1. Lovely and appropos with the Ospreys and Mallards looking decidedly “nesty” this week, even with the inclement weather!

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